Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Maybe libraries could share guest speakers with other libraries, it would allow for a wider variety of subjects to be available to our patrons. It is almost imposable to please all patrons with the choices we can make in services we make available to them. As with book loans, we can't possibly have every book all patrons want to read on our shelves. (Thank goodness for Inter Library Loans) Maybe this same line of thought can be used with talks on all kinds of subject and especially talks from authors.


  1. Sounds like a good idea.

  2. I like this idea - means we will all have to start podcasting soon

  3. I think talks from Author's is a great idea!

  4. The sharing of authors talks sounds good, it would give our borrowers more variety.

  5. Sharing is always a great idea, there needs to be more sharing of the love..

  6. Author and even illustrator talks via podcasting to the more remote libraries would be a great idea
